Tuesday, 31 January 2017

First post

 1. Please share one or two things that is going well, that we need to keep supporting as a school - -what is good?- 

I am new to the school, but what i realized in my brief period of time being here is that the sports programs are important and entertaining. I seen all the rewards in the hall and it looks like this school is very involved in their sports. I myself would like to join one of the sports teams in the future and would therefor like to see the school continue to supports the sports programs.

2. Please share one or two things that you think we need to look at as a school.  - what is missing? - 

Iv only been here for two days but from what i can see, the lunch hour needs to be more time in my opinion. Do not get me wrong it is enough time to eat its just some other kids want to play ball in the gym or hangout. My old school had 20 more minutes of lunch time and it was enough i felt like. Maybe in the future the school will think about extending the lunch time.
